Wallingford Parks & Recreation Department
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3329.200 FIT BY NATURE • AGES 5-12
Fit by Nature is a one-of-a-kind program run by Wallingford
native Mary Cole. An experienced Connecticut state and nature
based certified educator with over 20 years’ experience with
children, Mary incorporates what she knows kids love! Specific
nature-based games, nature lessons, fitness activities, nature
art, nature science experiments and more are included in this
5-week program. Fit by Nature is a multi-sensory, whole body
experience where kids are free to learn and play in a relaxed
atmosphere! The great outdoors provides countless learning
experiences! Health and fitness make up a solid foundation
for a resilient life. Connection to peers and nature help a child
become confident, courageous and caring for the natural world
and breeds empathy for all living things. Mary understands
the challenge parents struggle with concerning the seeming
“addiction” to technology and wants to help by providing an
experience that’s unplugged, yet connected! Being a part of this
group will provide positive experiences that will last a lifetime.

When: Tuesdays March 25th – April 29th
Class Time: 4:15pm - 5:30pm
Fee: $135
Location: Marcus Cooke Park
Instructor: Mary Cole 

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Fit By Nature - Tuesdays - Ages 5-12 Mary Cole 
3y - 5y N/A Tu  03/25/2025 - 04/29/2025
04:15 PM - 05:30 PM

Marcus Cooke Park - Pavilion
$135.00 Res, $135.00 Non-Res
Instructor: Mary Cole Fit by Nature Location: Marcus Cooke Park
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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